
Celine for Mental Health Awareness Week

May 10, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Celine, Bank Manager

Which activities or hobbies have had a positive impact on your mental health?

Celine: For me, this one's pretty easy. My daily routine is every morning before work, I get up and go to the gym. I just find that this sets me up for the day. It allows me to focus more because I'm more energised and awake. So as soon as I get out of bed in the morning, I just head straight there and it pretty much sets me up.

Are there any books, podcasts, or resources related to mental health that you've found valuable or insightful?

Celine: I absolutely love the Calm App, and my favourite person on there is Tamara Levitt. I love listening to her in the car or when I'm walking from car to work. It just really calms me down and sets my mood in the right space for the day.

Is there a particular person or support network that has played a significant role in supporting your mental health?

Celine: A particular person, so this has got to be my husband. So I met my husband when I was still at school, and he has been with me every single moment of any hard and trying times. He's always shown me support, and he's just been a great great comfort and support network for me and I couldn't get through things about him. He makes me laugh and he's there when I need a shoulder to cry on and having that support network is so important.

What would you say to other people who are experiencing poor mental health?

Celine: Going through a difficult time is hard enough, but going through it alone is a million times harder. And even if you just open up to one person, one person that you trust one person that you even know, or even if it's someone that you've only just met on a helpline, it can be such a relief just to get those things off your chest. And it put things into real perspective by saying things out loud and sharing how you feel. It can make you realise you might be able to control some of these things and some things you might not be able to control. But either way, just getting it off your chest and talking to someone about it can change an awful lot.

Produced with Vocal Video