
Courtney Kinnett-Hooper for The Lazy Therapist Video Testimonials

July 05, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Courtney Kinnett-Hooper, Functional Nutrition Practitioner, Wellness at the Roots

Courtney Kinnett-Hooper: Hello. Ok. So before working with the lazy therapist team, my wellness practice was really, really struggling with just getting clients in the door consistency with them. And then I wanted to make the transition into selling a higher ticket offer for my clients. And in my wellness practice to get just deeper healing and it just wasn't working like I wasn't having the right messaging people weren't coming in the door, just felt like my business was stagnant and not just didn't have a life.

Courtney Kinnett-Hooper: So after working with the lazy client system and getting their expert hands in on my business, um I actually ended up having my calendar completely booked with um consultation calls, which was incredible. I worked with a previous company and we ended up um not having any results within four months and then within the month that I did have the lazy client systems system up and running, um, my calendar has been fully booked. We've had really good quality leads people coming in and we've actually had several people signing on joining the program at that higher ticket cost. And it's just incredible to see how their messaging and their way and their system of being when it comes to creating um ads and stuff like that. Like it actually works and I'm just so so grateful that they've actually like brought life back into my business. I'm making income. It's just incredible to see and I am just so so grateful.

Courtney Kinnett-Hooper: OK. So the lazy therapist is different from other similar products and services because it's just simplified. It's just this easy system that is manageable for you to use after your time is done with them to keep it moving forward. So you can still grow your business and it just, it works. So you get just a simplified funnel and they do all the copywriting for you, which is incredible, especially when you just don't have time to deal with it. They build out your landing page for you when you don't have time to deal with it. And it's just a very easy streamlined system of somebody helping you set up everything, look professional, have an expert, start to it and then you are just ready to rip and continue to grow your business from there. So it is such a streamlined system that has worked um incredibly for my own business and my own experience.

Courtney Kinnett-Hooper: I would highly highly recommend the lazy therapist team to have their hands in your business and come in and help you create just a better practice. Um Like I said, I do health and wellness and so they were able to bring more clients and have a higher ticket so I can work with less but help my clients at a deeper level. Um And it was just such an incredible experience because I've worked with many, many, many other business coaches, other systems and never got results. I just got maybe like 1% of improvement in my business from it. And this is the first program that I've been in that even within just one month. Like I got results I got in front of the right people I got sales made. So that way I could keep going and grow my business and thrive. And for that, I am just so so grateful and I would highly, highly recommend to anybody who is looking to grow their business and thrive. This is definitely the system that you need.

Produced with Vocal Video