

July 18, 2023

Video Transcript

Michael Sarfati: What inspired me to be part of the Roots Program is having the merit to grow up in the Centre, being born in the Centre... came with so many gifts. Of course, the wisdom, the tools, having this life-changing consciousness at a young age. And even more so the amazing community. And in an environment that creates especially as a kid and a teenager when you're developing, when you're growing, when you're learning who you are and really building the foundation of who you are. It's so important to feel that love care, believe in yourself, understand that you have unlimitless potential. And for me, that was huge. That was so big for me to be who I am today and who I want to keep on being and growing into. And to be able to give that to any teenager, to any kid to be able to see in the classes that we have in the events that we have. for them to feel inspired to have that "aha" moment. To understand I have a limitless potential. I have something so powerful within me and for them to understand that the voices in their head, the opponent, the self judgment, the anger, the doubt, all the things, the anxiety... that especially we go through as teens and as kids... That's not me, that's not me. And to be able to stop giving in to the voice and the opponent and to start to nourish and to feel and to act on the voice of your soul and your limitless soul and your limitless potential. And to give that even to one kid or one teen for me, that's, that's huge. That brings me so much joy in my day. In the classes that we give and the events that we have. When you see that, when you see that kid that, that you know, that you change your life, that you impacted them, that they have more certainty in their soul, that they have something that will forever change them. And for me, that's, that's brings me so much joy and it inspires me to want to do so much more and especially that a world that there's so much confusion and doubt and pain with kids and with teens and to bring more light to the world. That's what inspires me.

Produced with Vocal Video