Speaker: Kaisha Lawrence
What was it like BEFORE working with Dr Shaunna and THPA? What problem(s) were you trying to solve?
Kaisha Lawrence: Hi there. I'm Kaisha Lawrence and I help women with Candida boost their energy and curb their sugar cravings so they can actively live a life they love. And before I started working with Dr Shaunna, I really didn't know what I was doing with my health coaching, I knew that I was a health coach but otherwise I didn't have a narrowed focus in on who I could really help. So Dr Shaunna has really helped me to figure out who I can help and how I can help them. The problems I was facing before working with Dr Shaunna were: How do I even know how to message to people when I don't know who I am even speaking to? So I was just speaking to everyone which in terms means I was speaking to no one. So Dr Shaunna has helped me really get solid on who I serve and how I can serve them and that I am 100% sure that I can find them results.
What difference and results have you noticed since working with working with Dr Shaunna and THPA?
Kaisha Lawrence: The differences and results that I've noticed since I started working with Dr Shaunna are the fact that I have so much more confidence when I talk to people about what I do. I now know what I do. I don't just say I'm a health coach. I say I help women with Candida boost their energy and curb their sugar cravings so they can actively live a life they love. I walk into a room with confidence, knowing what I do and knowing that I have a purpose to serve. I have found people to work with. I have a power statement. My business is rolling in the right direction. I am on my way to six figures and that was not the case before I started working with Dr Shaunna.
What was your overall experience like working with Dr Shaunna and THPA? What was your favourite part?
Kaisha Lawrence: The overall experience that I've had with Dr Shaunna has been absolutely incredible. I can't really pick out a favourite part, but the growth that I've experienced, the personal growth that I have experienced, the space that I am expanding to in my personal life is equal to the space that I'm expanding to in my business. Not only is my business on its way to reach six figures, I am personally moving into grander space that I thought I was here to be. So, She has really helped me to know that I can get results. I can help people find results and how to find those people.
What would you tell someone who's considering working with Dr Shaunna and THPA?
Kaisha Lawrence: If you are looking for direction in your health coaching, this is the place for you. I was really kind of just wandering around out there saying I'm a health coach. So shockingly, no one was coming. But once I started working with Dr Shaunna and The Health Professional Academy I found some direction and I now know what I'm doing. I can walk in a room with confidence and talk about what I'm doing and I know 100% I can get results for my clients.
Anything else you would like to share about your experience?
Kaisha Lawrence: If you are ready to step into your place as a health coach and an Awakened Healer, this is the space for you. Dr Shaunna will help you find direction, find clients and start working as a health coach with confidence. Knowing that you will get results for your clients. Don't hesitate to join us. It's a really great place around here.