Daniel Osei-Agyemang, CPCU, AIC, AIS, ARM, CFE: Hi, everyone. My name is Daniel, from Ghana and I'm the CPCU International Ambassador for 2023. I want to encourage everyone to apply for the CPCU Ambassador for 2024. It's a great opportunity to network and to meet a lot of people, just as I had to meet a lot of people in In2Risk 2023 in Washington D.C. It's a time of the year where we, we are opening the applications, and you only get to become the CPCU International Ambassador when you apply. So as the applications have been opened, I want to encourage everyone to apply, and hopefully may be selected as the next ambassador, and the opportunities, and the connections, and the network, and the love you receive as the ambassador is not imaginable. See you in In2Risk 2024!