
Monica Morrissey McAfee, John Knox Village, Inc.

April 20, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Monica Morrissey McAfee, Chief Marketing & Innovation Officer, John Knox Village of Florida, Inc.

Please Introduce yourself and explain why you chose The Business Journals for your 2022 content marketing campaign.

Monica Morrissey McAfee: Hello, I'm Monica Morrissey McAfee and I am the Chief Marketing and Innovation Officer at John Knox Village in Pompano Beach Florida. And I am delighted to say that we made room in our budget this year as we did last year for promoting John Knox Village in the South Florida Business Journal. It makes sense for us to get our message out to industry leaders, business leaders, as well as the teams of people reading the publication in learning more about aging services in South Florida.

Can you share any specific examples or anecdotes about the impact of your campaign on your business?

Monica Morrissey McAfee: We've been able to see an increase in our inquiries based on our advertising. And also we were so fortunate to have Jeff Saber do a story for us on the opening of our $150 million village. It gave us the opportunity to kind of tell the story of how it came to fruition as well as how aging services differs from what it was 50 years ago. So we're very grateful to have had that exposure and to also be able to tell the story in a thoughtful way that resulted in inquiries.

How did you measure the success of your campaign? Did you see an increase in website traffic, new leads or new business as a result?

Monica Morrissey McAfee: We were able to see an increase in general inquiries via phone, as well as digital following the information that we promoted through our advertising in South Florida Business Journal, as well as the opportunity for us to tell our story, which we were able to do about what we're doing with cultural arts. And that included the Perez Art Museum, Broward Cultural Arts as well as Palm Beach. No one would have ever thought for example, that a life plan community or retirement community would have the robust programming that we have. And as a result of that publication that also increased our inquiries and we capture those through definitely our ROI and our intake of calls as well as our digital inquiries. So it's been a win win for us.

How was your experience working with our team in terms of planning and executing? Would you recommend TBJ as a platform to other companies?

Monica Morrissey McAfee: It's really been a pleasure to work with the South Florida Business Journal team. They're highly professional, especially want a shout out to Yasmine and her team and Aryeh for being so thoughtful and taking the time to really learn what John Knox Village is all about. What that did was it enabled both Yasmine and Aryeh to know where we're headed, what we're doing and where there might be possible partnerships with other people who are advertisers and just making all those connections through networking. So I can't say enough about the professionalism and the just wonderful rapport we have with the folks at South Florida Business Journal. And it's been a pleasure and I look forward to working with you in the future. Thanks and everyone take care.

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