
Vineeth Rao Kanaparthi for The Algorists Customer Stories

April 16, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Vineeth Rao Kanaparthi, Student, Arizona State University (Customer of LowLevelDesign.io since 2023)

Please introduce yourself and tell us your experience about using our products.

Vineeth Rao Kanaparthi: Hey, I'm Vineeth Rao Kanaparthi I'm a graduate student at ASU. I've been using TheAlgorists.com for over a year now. It really provides structure to my learning as a Masters student. You really need to have a structure and go about things in a structured way. TheAlgorists has provided me that structure, you know, at least all the important topics, design and algorithms. So I could plan everything very well and use it very wisely.

How long have you been a customer of ours? Which products did you use?

Vineeth Rao Kanaparthi: Like I said, I've been using TheAlgorists for over a year now and I like the Low Level Design part. Especially finding the resources for Low Level Design is very difficult and having it all at one place is really amazing. I don't have to spend hours and hours searching for the perfect solution. I could just try the problem out and refer to the solution.

What is your goal?

Vineeth Rao Kanaparthi: As grad student, my goal has been to um get a mid to senior level software engineering position and currently interviewing with multiple companies. Hopefully, I'll accomplish my goal soon.

How would you describe our courses in three words?

Vineeth Rao Kanaparthi: Structured, Resourceful and Amazing.

Would you recommend our products to a friend or a colleague?

Vineeth Rao Kanaparthi: I would recommend it to all the Masters students.

Produced with Vocal Video