
Anmol Binani for The Algorists Customer Stories

April 25, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Anmol Binani, Software Developer, SAP Labs, India

Please introduce yourself and tell us your experience about using our products.

Anmol Binani: Hi, I'm Anmol and I work as a software developer at SAP labs, India. So, about the experience I mainly had gone through the System Design course. And what I loved about was that it had a wide range of topics covered. And that too in detailed, also containing some images also to, you know, kind of create a mental map when you are also learning about a concept or an algorithm or uh such things And what I also loved about was that, you know, it helped you build the intuition from a very basic or a very naive approach. And how do you go about building it, you know, one step at a time. So that was also a good thing. And another beautiful thing was that, you know, it also had at the end I mentioned about uh you also the resources that could be used, you know, from Azure Solutions that could that you can use to build this solution yourself, So this in a way, you know, promoted not just the theory part of the learning, but also to be able to implement and get deeper understanding. So that was the really good highlight about the product although I couldn't do the hands on part yet, but it is really good to have all those informations consolidated in a single place.

What is your goal? What has been the result so far from using our products? What were the benefits?

Anmol Binani: So, my goal is to get deeper insights and also, you know, do hands on to be able to understand the intricacies in building certain solutions and products which you may not otherwise, you know, get to do in your project that you're working. But here because you have a wide range of uh theories to cover and along with that, you also can do hands-on that would give you deeper insights, not just theoretically but also practically. So that is the goal. And so far I was not able to do it but looking forward to doing that because that will be a very good value add. Yeah.

How would you describe our courses in three words?

Anmol Binani: Informative, Thorough and, Very Well Organized.

Would you recommend our products to a friend or a colleague?

Anmol Binani: Yes, I would definitely recommend this to friends and colleagues because the benefit that we will be able to gain out of it would be immense. And I really see the structured way in which this course is formed. It would be definitely a value add to anyone taking this course. So yeah, definitely. Yes.

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