
Rahul Patwardhan for The Algorists Customer Success Stories

December 19, 2022

The Algorists Customer Success Stories

Video Transcript

Speaker: Rahul Patwardhan, Customer of System Design, LLD, DSA and Frontend Engg courses since 2020

Please introduce yourself and tell us your experience about using our products on System Design, LLD, DSA & Frontend Eng

Rahul Patwardhan: Hi this is rahul Patwardhan. Uh I'm A I. T. Professional, approximately 20 plus years of experience and uh last two three years uh somewhere around 2019 2020 I started looking at the data structures and algorithms as part of interview prep and even re-skilling or up-skilling myself, re-learning some of the core fundamentals learned during the college days and I went over a lot of resources. Some courses on Udemy, some YouTube channels and many such sources and in January 2021 I came across this site TheAlgorists.com The site has been launched by Abhishek. I came across this site and I started using this site and when I looked at the content on the site I was really pleased and very impressed with the quality of content. And also like the coverage of content like it covered a lot of data structures algorithms with some detailed explanation. In some cases like there is an explanation about the code written. The code examples which are there are very nicely and uh very well written code. Um It has comments within the code also. So so someone trying out that code uh like they'll know at each step what that code is doing And even before going to the code there is a good level of explanation of that algorithm. The thought process behind it. What are its practical implementation of those algorithms. Lot of explanation has been given. So this is a very wonderful resource. And over the time period Abhishek has launched two or three other sites like the LowLevelDesign.io and system programming and front end engineering site. And all these resources are really good and very helpful. And I'm pleased with the product which Abhishek has built. I am one of the subscribers now since more than a year. And this is a very valuable resource for anyone starting new out of college and preparing for interview some mid level experienced people who want to re skill, learn these skills. Again, experienced professional like myself uh to again go back to the basics uh and it's a good library of information on data structures, system programming, low level design, uh and even Frontend Engineering. Frontend Engineering. So I will highly recommend uh people to subscribe to this site and utilize these resources. Thank you.

How long have you been a customer of ours? Which products did you use? What did you like the best about our products?

Rahul Patwardhan: I've been a customer of TheAlgorists.com com since more than two years now, not exactly two years, almost two years. Um And the reason I like TheAlgorist.com TheAlgorist.com and all the other products like low level design, uh Systems programming and the front end engineering is the quality of content. The quality of content is really good. Uh The examples are really good, well organized and the coverage of variety of aspects like if you take the example of all the data structures and algorithms on the TheAlgorist.com TheAlgorist.com Pretty much It covers everything one needs to learn. And another beautiful part is Abhishek continues adding content also. So that's another great part of using this website as a good resource for learning. Either learning, re-skilling, up-skilling. So that's why I highly recommend the TheAlgorists.com to anyone I I know.

What is your goal? What has been the result so far from using our products? What were the benefits?

Rahul Patwardhan: The one of the reasons I have been using resources like TheAlgorists.com and LowLevelDesign.io and Systems Engineering. Front End Engineering is it also acts like reference library material which I can refer to and for a small fee for a small fee I get to use these resources as required. Like last year during solving one of the problems when we were in a discussion there was a reference to some caching related implementation. And for me I was able to quickly refresh the fundamentals around caching LRU cache, LFU cache and all using this website. So it was kind of value for my money. It helped me at my workplace at the same time. It helped me expand my knowledge base. Some of these fundamentals I had learned in past, some were new to me, some of these concepts like system design concepts or Low Level Systems programming concept or low level design concept. Even some of the algorithms I had never come across in the past. early on in career when I was learning computer science. So for me this definitely is a big benefit of having access to such good quality resource which has been helping me expand my knowledge at the same time It is also helping me in my day to day work also at times like if there are certain concepts of certain solutions if I were to go back and refer to them I have a good resource with me in the form of TheAlgorists.com TheAlgorists.com So that's one of the big benefit of using these products.

How would you describe our courses in three words?

Rahul Patwardhan: If I have to in short describe the courses on TheAlgorists.com LowLevelDesign.io and Systems Engineering, as well as Front and Engineering in uh in a short way. The quick short description, which comes to my mind is Good Quality content or I can say very helpful resources, so that's how I would describe these courses.

Would you recommend our products to a friend or a colleague?

Rahul Patwardhan: I definitely highly recommend this product to all my friends and colleagues. In fact, uh, those who are connected with me on LinkedIn every time there are any promotional campaigns from TheAlgorists.com I re-share those promotional campaigns on my linkedin profile. Also, I share it with friends. I highly recommend these products. In fact, a couple of them within my network reached out to me, checking with me if I am using these products. Yes. I have been using these products for almost two years and I'm extremely happy with the products TheAlgorists.com LowLevelDesign.io LowLevelDesign.io LowLevelDesign.io systems engineering, um, the front end engineering. So I highly recommend this

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