
Parry Dean Ward for Thank You For Being A Thanksgiving Hero!

June 11, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Parry Dean Ward

Please tell us the most meaningful experience you had while delivering meals to those in need.

Parry Dean Ward: Hey, Thanksgiving heroes and uh everybody out there in this big bad world uh just wanted to do a real quick uh Shout out to the Thanksgiving heroes. Uh And let you guys know, man. You're so amazing. Uh This is my first year uh doing anything with, with this organization. Uh Me and my team went out and picked up boxes and went and delivered boxes and people that we gave those boxes to were so stinking, grateful. Um Gave me a, a strong, strong feeling in my heart and I, I love, love, love, serving people. So Thanksgiving heroes, keep up the good work, man. You guys are freaking amazing. Love you.

Add any love or messages or gratitude you'd like to share.

Parry Dean Ward: Thanksgiving heroes. I just wanna send some gratitude to you guys and uh just let you know from, from me. I appreciate this platform that you're doing and, and allowing us to come out and, and help you guys through this whole entire process. I am very grateful for you and I know the people out there that you're helping are very grateful for you, Rob. You're a stud buddy, love you guys.

Produced with Vocal Video