
Elizabeth Davis for Customer Testimonial

July 26, 2023

Berry College Testimonial for Terra Dotta Study Abroad

Video Transcript

Speaker: Elizabeth Davis, Director, International Experiences, Berry College

Tell us your name, organization, and role?

Elizabeth Davis: My name is Elizabeth Davis and I'm the Director of International Experiences at Berry College.

What challenge has Terra Dotta's platform addressed in your organization?

Elizabeth Davis: One of the challenges that TDS has helped my office address is tracking payments for our faculty led programs. Previously, our students paid to our cashier's office individually based off what faculty were telling them. And there wasn't a way to track payments when students made a payment, we didn't know who had made a payment or when they made the payment. So now through TDS, I've created material items where students are given instructions for how to make their payments. And then the cashier's office sends me a list every day, of made payments and I mark those as complete. This allows faculty to go in and view who has made payments. We're able to search, see who hasn't made payments, and make reminders. It has helped keep my office, faculty, and also the cashier's office on the loop of who has made payments. It also has helped the students keep track of what they need to pay when they need to pay and if they've made payments already. So in general, it has helped a lot!

What has been the impact of using Terra Dotta's platform?

Elizabeth Davis: I think the biggest impact of using TDS is having everything in an easy accessible online format. So this includes the student applications and having application items for students to complete online and also being able to track student applications from before going abroad, while abroad and after. It's also very helpful in terms of marketing for programs. So now all of our programs are in a comprehensive database where our students can search by field, by term, and by location. It helps centralize everything and makes it in an easily accessible online format.

Produced with Vocal Video