
Theresa Locastro for Tekagogo Video Testimonials

July 24, 2024

Video Transcript

Speakers: Theresa Locastro, Henry Field Sales Consultant

How happy are you with your Tekagogo experience?

Theresa Locastro: Hi, my name is Teresa Lo Castro. I'm a rookie FSC in Fort Worth. And the question is how happy am I with tech? My Tek Aogo experience. I am super excited. I have been pitching it to my customers um since it launched here in Texas and I've had great results. Um I actually had one of my offices. It was a brand new office um had only been open about a year, wasn't sure any equipment was going to be going down because it was brand new. And six days, six days later, her vacuum went down and super excited. She uh customer couldn't get there. Her current supplier couldn't get there until the next day and she um pulled out my flyer that I left for her scan the QR code and while I got registered, uh I met the service tech there at their location and we got her up and running within about an hour and a half. Um and she didn't have to cancel any patients. So um definitely use this as my foot in the door with my new accounts and so happy to have Tika go, go on my side

What distinguishes Tekagogo as a service alternative?

Theresa Locastro: So, what distinguishes, uh, Tekagogo from, uh, as a service alternative? I think the biggest thing for me, uh, is that it's same day. Um, that's just huge for me when I walk into the offices and I can give them a solution of how they can stay up and running and not have to close their doors and not do business. Um, I also am excited that they can GPS track them, find out, um, where the technician is there, when they're getting there. They're not waiting around wondering when they're gonna show up or if they're late. Um, the other great thing is that it's just all online, um, that they can go in and request it themselves. I think the biggest, um, uh advantage also is that they can select their tech. Um, I always tell them that, you know, the best part of it is when the technician comes in. If you like them, they know your equipment, they're familiar with your office and you can request that tech again. So, I think that's a huge advantage and, um, great alternative for service.

Produced with Vocal Video