Speaker: Tracey Schantz, Director of Learner Experience, Teaching Channel
Welcome to Teaching Channel! We can't wait to work with you.
Tracey Schantz: Hello and welcome to teaching channel. My name is Tracey Shantz. I'm our Director of Learners Experience. I'm here today to walk you through selecting the term that works best for you. When you're ready to register for your next course or courses with your prior checkout experience on the advancement courses website, you were awarded six months for completion for each of your courses with the teaching channel website. Check out it's just slightly different in teaching channel. As you proceed through your checkout, you'll choose between one of two available terms. We offer three terms each year. Those include our spring, summer and fall, each term co does correlate with a semester with the associated university partner. So for example, if you're ready to register today, you would be choosing from our fall term and our spring term. If you need your transcript prior to say middle of January fall would be the term for you. You may register right now for the fall term with coursework due by November 15th. If you like a little more time for your course completion, your other option is spring, spring is also currently open. You may choose the spring term right now, you'll have access to work on your course or courses right away and you may work on your spring courses through April 15th of 2024. So for those seeking more time to complete their courses, spring is a great route to go. The other big difference with the terms of the, the,