
Kevin Bresser for Which teacher had the biggest impact on your life?

August 17, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Kevin Bresser, Vice President, Higher Education, Syntellis

Please start by introducing yourself, where you went to school, the teacher that inspired you and how...

Kevin Bresser: My name is Kevin Bresser and I went to school in a small town in East Texas called Dayton, Texas all the way from grade school through high school. During that time, as I think back, there were so many great teachers that inspired me and were engaging that I really took something from. But if I had to pick one to talk about, it would certainly be, Mary Crowder who was my sophomore English teacher. She did a fabulous job, delivering lectures and delivering content, but she really went out of her way to really connect with the students - understand who we are, personally what was motivating us. She and I had a little bit of a sports rivalry which was fun. Because that really made me excited for Mondays to come in and talk about our sports teams and how we did against each other. I was looking forward to our class all the time. And as soon as the bell rang, we got focused on the content. It was all about business, but it really was exciting to go into her classroom. And to know that she cared about us. So I definitely give a shout out to Mary Crowder at Dayton High School from back then.

Produced with Vocal Video