
How to Post a Job

October 06, 2023

Video Transcript

The job board in TeacherUp is designed to provide active promotion of your jobs to a group that you wouldn't otherwise reach. The posting is intended to be a brief summary of your job that links back to a job posting on your public website. Make sure you're logged in as someone in the district with authorization to post jobs for your district. Click the create button and select Career Center, select Article from the list, add your job title. Click on the next line and at a logo or paste any details about the job you want to represent. There's some basic formatting options for both the graphics and for the text that you put in there. We might recommend left justifying the image. We offer different text formatting and then you can highlight a portion of the text or images to serve as a link to your job, click post or schedule your job to be posted at a later point in time and you're done.

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