
Barrett Cousins - Face Forward Houston for Symplast Onboarding Testimonial

December 18, 2023

Video Transcript

Speakers: Barrett Cousins - Face Forward Houston

What aspects did you find particularly intuitive or user-friendly during the setup phase?

Barrett Cousins - Face Forward Houston: During the setup phase, we found the the user interface very, very intuitive. The staff were able to pick up the tablets with the mobile first uh thought. And we're able to find patients, we're able to create appointments, we're able to find the documents that they need. We're really able to begin using the system very, very quickly.

Were there moments where you felt especially grateful to have a project manager assisting you?

Barrett Cousins - Face Forward Houston: We were especially grateful to have a project manager from Symplast on board to help us navigate the checklist to ensuring we had all of the items that we needed to have done to go live completed. You know, when we made our checklist, we had our 10 or 12 items that we thought were really important, thought we had covered all the bases. But the experience of the project manager helped us fill in the gaps, some of the things that, that we didn't realize we needed to capture. So sure we captured those, we tested them, we configured them and that way we had a truly seamless experience when we flipped the switch and went live on that first day with Symplast

Did your perspectives on aesthetic workflows evolve as you went through the setup and implementation process?

Barrett Cousins - Face Forward Houston: Using the Symplast platform has helped us evolve our workflow in the in our aesthetics practice. The mobile first thought for the product has really enabled us to be a lot more agile and a lot more fluid and be a lot more patient focused in clinic.

How did Symplast's flexibility impact those views?

Barrett Cousins - Face Forward Houston: The flexibility of the simplest workflows has allowed us to evolve our clinic processes to be even more patient focused.

Could you share the perspectives of your team members regarding the implementation process?

Barrett Cousins - Face Forward Houston: During the conversion process, the patient care coordinator expressed a lot of excitement about the ease of use of the financial reporting so she can generate the estimates and provide those to the, to the patients and walk through and give them, you know, tangible documents and accurate. Um And timely, timely estimates as well as the medical assistance in the back, found it very easy to use. They were able to, it helped them do their job, do their job faster and do their job a little bit easier. They could carry the pads around wherever they needed them. They had access to all the information they needed to ensure we could deliver a spectacular patient experience.

Were there any best practices shared by Symplast that you've found valuable and wish to adopt in your own practice?

Barrett Cousins - Face Forward Houston: The Symplast platform has allowed us to do away with a lot of the workarounds that we had with our older system. So therefore, we can actually use and follow some of the industry guidelines and industry best practices that Symplast and the project managers uh communicated to us. If these were not new, we wanted to actually follow those along, but we didn't have the tools to do that. So Symplast has allowed us to follow those.

Overall, how would you rate the robustness and intuitiveness of Symplast's features during your setup process?

Barrett Cousins - Face Forward Houston: During our evaluation process, Symplast was one of the more intuitive platforms that we looked at. It's been great as we get into using it and its implementation that that intuitiveness has been used and noticed by not only the staff in the back, the staff in the front as well as our patients downloading the Symplast patient app and our the interaction that they've had with us.

For other practices contemplating becoming a part of the Symplast family, what advice or insights would you offer based on your experience?

Barrett Cousins - Face Forward Houston: As a medical practice, we're all trying to accomplish the same thing, deliver stellar patient care. However, each practice has their own nuance and their own uniqueness. I think it would be important to communicate to potential future. Symplast customers that understand your uniqueness, communicate that with the project manager so that the system can be configured and your work flows can be configured to accommodate that uniqueness that makes you special and make you successful.

What message would you like to share with your peers in the industry about the significance of a smooth and comprehensive implementation?

Barrett Cousins - Face Forward Houston: I cannot stress the importance and the attention to detail that we put on the transition from our older system to Symplast Uh First and foremost, we did not want to interrupt the patient care. We do not want to interrupt the patient flow. Ultimately, we did not want them to uh them to notice that we were making a transition except for they had an app and they had better access to the data, we had better communication. So we spent a lot of time making sure that transition worked very well as well as on the back end because, you know, patient care is primary. However, if we're spending time in the back that impacts the finances that taking longer, costing more cause errors, we wanna make sure things are right. So walking through having test days and making sure we had all the the Q and A done to where when we flipped the switch, it was a smooth transition. It made that first day in clinic using Symplast go smoothly. The patients saw we were evolving our technology, we were able to communicate with them better. The staff had better tools to do their job. So overall it was a better experience.

How did your team's experiences and feelings compare to your own?

Barrett Cousins - Face Forward Houston: Our practice implementation team worked hand in hand with the project management team from Symplast to work through loading the data, the bumps in the road that come along with working with data and large groups of data working with our unique processes, making sure those were rolled out that all those things went smoothly. Uh The team that actually deployed that and ran with it on the first day of clinic had an excellent experience. They, you know, other than hey, we'd love more ipads and can we get a just a touch, more training? They found everything very intuitive, everything worked quickly, everything was robust. So they had a really positive fluid experience and that was helped by one, a robust product, a fluid product and then a project team that understood all the details that needed to be accommodated so that we could have a very, very smooth opening day.

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