
Jennifer Stephes for Customer Testimonial Videos

May 17, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Jennifer Stephes

Can you briefly introduce yourself and tell us how you came across AP Master Class?

Jennifer Stephes: We met Mr Joe through Facebook on his group athletes and A P history about five months ago. And it's been a wonderful experience learning about how to be successful in an A P history class specifically.

What were the specific challenges or issues you were facing before joining Master Class?

Jennifer Stephes: The biggest challenge was learning to balance multiple things during the academic school year to include my daughter's hockey sports schedule, practicing and games, as well as her current A P history class and then navigating all of the factors involved in the best preparation for success in the A P exam.

How has Master Class test prep helped you overcome those challenges?

Jennifer Stephes: The master class is set up very well and very organized to put a student on a schedule with regular check ins which balances their need to have study time as well as accountability for the subjects that they are preparing for. It also provides a very structured worksheet and books system that they can use to develop the skills needed to be successful for their final exam.

Can you share any specific results or improvements you have experienced since joining Master Class test prep?

Jennifer Stephes: Oftentimes in the high school A P courses, they cover the same or similar subject matter. But the focus is not so much on preparations for the essay questions and breaking those out into how to include the most articulate and complete responses, which will help you achieve a higher score on the exam. And I believe this course is really set up to give students the tools necessary and lots of repetitive practice with a variety of those subject matter which in, in the long run prepares them very well for the final exam.

How likely are you to recommend our Master Class test prep to others, and why?

Jennifer Stephes: I highly recommend the class for multiple reasons. It is something that Joe really works hard to cater to the unique individual needs of the student and factors in their current schedules. Working a very flexible um calendar for them. It is something that really um balances their, their athletic uh responsibilities with um classroom achievement as student athletes and then also gives additional opportunities um with some of the um live chats and things to network with um other experts in the field for uh preparing them to be successful, not just on their A P exam, but in their college experience.

Would you mind sharing any memorable or standout moments from your experience with Master Class test prep?

Jennifer Stephes: Joe is a very good communicator and it's been great to see the responsibility and accountability of a student going through this class change for the better. And he does it in such a manner that is not pushy, but it really, I think owns in, on that responsibility level, for students and really they're going to use that when they get to college. that's something as a student. We, we have to learn to balance whether it's under our parents ros or once we're independent in college. And I think those are really, traits that are, important, not just as a student, but in life.

Do you have any additional comments or feedback you would like to share about our Master Class or your overall experience?

Jennifer Stephes: Another definite benefit to this course is that it is set up with in a platform that's easy to understand, it's easy to access. And I think students of multiple levels really can do well with um the way this course is set up. And again, it really is designed for success of the student athlete. And I can't say enough about how prompt Mr Joe is and how he helps students with accountability. And you know, he's, he's an absolute professional in his communications with parents and the student athletes.

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