
Frances Ungro - Creating Company Culture

February 01, 2024

Social Media Coordinator, Frances Ungro, discusses what she loves about Sunrun, her team, and company culture.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Frances Ungro

What do you like about working for Sunrun?

Frances Ungro: Good morning, my name is Frances. I'm with the social media team here at Sunrun and my favorite thing about working for Sunrun is definitely the customer focus. I love that we're able to actually help someone because as a social media coordinator, we see a lot of the complaints come in and were able to get something done for them and change their perspective and make sure that they're having a good experience. Not so many companies are customer focused as a customer and a consumer like, you know, the companies that work for you and the ones that just don't care. So it's nice to be part of a company that actually works for the customer. I also really enjoy working from home. My husband is active duty military, so he's not around as much as I'd like him to be. I've got four kids, so at least I can be here for them and get them to their events and whatever else they need to do. I have my son here with me all the time who is always getting into trouble and chewing on things and being bad, but loves being in meetings and just the fact that I can save on daycare with him and make sure that he's happy is great for me and my mental health, which I know you guys do prioritize because you know, we're able to work from home and take care of our lives and do our job and make sure everything's going smoothly. I also really love the teamwork, not just on the social media team, but the prevention team, the marketing team. If we have a question we're able to reach out and ask. And if someone doesn't know, they find out for you, that's such a great thing that we can ask a question and actually get an answer instead of just like, I don't know, good luck, go look for it yourself. So the whole atmosphere is just amazing.

What do you like about working on your specific team?

Frances Ungro: I love my social media team, I really do. We are all in different areas and we all talk like we've known each other forever. It's very welcoming. We can talk about questions with customers, we can bounce ideas off each other and you can talk about our family lives and it's just such a welcoming fun place that we've made it. Like I can bring all of her on meetings and you know, get a smile from everybody and he'll leave and talk. And then if I have a question about a customer, I can go in the chat and ask and get an answer. I love working with Kenny. He is one of the greatest managers that I've had because he actually goes out of his way to find answers for us and support us, which you don't, you don't find very often in managers, some of them, I feel like we're so jaded, but that's not the case here, which is great.

What can we do on our teams and across marketing to create the best in class org/team culture in the company?

Frances Ungro: I think we've already got a great team culture because it's very welcoming. It's very open. No one makes you feel as if you don't belong. Everyone is just there for you and supportive, which makes you want to come to work and want to work with your team and do better. Um, if I had to change one thing and make it more accessible, maybe more trainings high, maybe more trainings or maybe, um, like a video lunch where we could just hang out with our kids and talk and see how everyone is doing. I know since everyone is remote and working in different areas and different time zones, we could do virtual breakfast and lunch and just check in with one another and see how everyone's doing. Sometimes. Just that mental check in is the best thing for somebody and it does create a very welcoming environment, a welcoming culture.

Produced with Vocal Video