
Restless Leg

July 30, 2024

Video Transcript

Speakers: Ben Chamie

Restless Leg - Broken Machine

Ben Chamie: Hi, my name's Ben. I'm from Restless Leg. And Broken Machine is the song we've contributed to the Suitcase Showcase record.

What inspired the song?

Ben Chamie: So the inspiration for our song Broken Machine was from an article I read in a magazine about a woman that suffered from terrible epilepsy. She was involved in a, in a trial of these little computer chips that were installed in her brain and which would basically give her a warning of an oncoming seizure. But the bit in the article that I found most interesting was when she described what having a seizure was like and it was, she said it was like being ripped out of her consciousness and then her memories would be, it's like someone had hit a delete button on her memories and progressively she would forget more and more about her past and herself. The trial ended and she had to take the, the chip out of her brain. and she talked about her brain being like a broken machine. So you know, pretty gruesome in some ways. But kind of very interesting about the way she was talking about memory and that kind of thing. So that was the inspiration for the song.

Produced with Vocal Video