
Construction Ready's Experience Working With Story Sells

November 29, 2022

Scott Shelar, CEO of Construction Ready, discusses the clear brand message he got by working with Story Sells

Video Transcript

Speaker: Scott Shelar, President & CEO, Construction Ready

Say your name, company, and title, and then describe the problem(s) you were having before you started working with Story Sells.

Scott Shelar: Hi Scott Shelar here, President and CEO of Construction Ready. You know, a problem we had before we started working with Danny Peavey and Story Sells was that the name of our organization was too long and too complicated. It was the Construction Education Foundation of Georgia. We knew that the name was too long. It wasn't something that people could easily remember and it wasn't really descriptive of what we do as an organization. And so that was a real problem that we had before we started working with Story Sells.

How did Story Sells solve the problems you were having? Which part of the experience of working with them made you the happiest?

Scott Shelar: So Story Sells came in and basically told us we needed to rebrand and we needed a new name for our company and we landed on Construction Ready. They knew pretty quickly that that was the right name. And really that made us super happy. We, you know when we heard those two words Construction Ready, it was very descriptive of who we are and what we do and like Danny said it, it told people who we are and what we do in two words in two seconds and he was exactly right. And I even smile today thinking about that transformation from Construction Education Foundation of Georgia to Construction Ready: simple, easy, descriptive of who we are and what we do as an organization.

Would you recommend Story Sells to a friend or colleague?

Scott Shelar: I would absolutely recommend Story Sells to any of my colleagues who are looking for a rebrand for the organization are looking for help in telling their organization story. And that's something that Story Sells. Does an amazing job of they did an incredible job for us and in our rebrand of Construction Ready and then helping to tell our story, helping us tell our story to our funders, to our partners and to all of the heroes that we support as an organization.

Produced with Vocal Video