
Dominick Marino, Sr. Sales Solution Architect at Storj with Acronis Video Testimonial

November 16, 2023

Why are companies using Storj with Acronis, what are the main benefits?, and how easy is integrating Storj and Acronis?

Video Transcript

Speaker: Dominick Marino, Sr. Sales Solution Architect at Storj

Why are companies using Storj with Acronis, and what are the main benefits?

Dominick Marino, Sr. Sales Solution Architect at Storj: Oh, why would you use us with a Acronis? Speed, Value, Simplicity. And those are some of the main reasons. Let's start with value: Storj is $4 a terabyte for a backup use case. It's the price of cold for hot. It gets you multi-gigabit performance. It's spectacular value. It's regionless. So we're used to as administrators Storj admins, who whoever is implementing these retention policies and these backups, we're used to taking data and bringing it offset. So it's a natural choice with Storj to use this because of regionaless. There is no US East 1 US West 1, your data is everywhere you want it to be, and nowhere you don't. So if there's a regional outage from, let's say a major hyperscaler, it won't affect you if you are backing up on the West Coast, but need to restore in London for some reason. Well, the geographic separation will cause you no impediment to performance because we have that global parity. We can keep that in the United States or, let's say, the European Union for GDPR if you do have compliance concerns under a Select tier, But ultimately, your data is everywhere you want it to be. And, and nowhere you don't. We've covered value. We've covered simplicity as there's no need to replicate between regions. Let's talk about performance. That same global parity we keep, means that hundreds of thousands of different network connections are utilized from transferring your data. Which means it doesn't matter if there's a slowdown or appearing issue, you'll always get incredible throughput no matter where you go. It's easy. It's great value. It plugs right in and it's fast. Why wouldn't you try distributed storage from Storj as your main location or your secondary location to keep your backups

How easy is integrating Storj and Acronis, and how can I get started?

Dominick Marino, Sr. Sales Solution Architect at Storj: As an S3 compatible destination, it couldn't be easier to configure Acronis with Storj All you do is go to docs.storj.io Again, that is docs.storj.io and you can read the Acronis integration guide. It walks you through creating a bucket, the access on Storj, and then of course, entering that information into your Acronis config. It's that simple, 30 seconds, maybe a minute and you're backing up to the distributed cloud.

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