
Muzi Langa for Customer Testimonial Videos

October 18, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Muzi Langa, Architect

When and how did you become a client of Stock Market College?

Muzi Langa: Thank you very much. Um I got your assistance. I'm appreciative. It was quick and precise. Thank you. Bye.

How did you benefit from becoming a student at Stock Market College?

Muzi Langa: When it assisted me in knowing the financial market and understanding the financial world as to what is done there to be a trader and to sort of make some profit out of it.

What makes Stock Market College different from other similar products or services?

Muzi Langa: Well, I don't know, other products except people that are on Instagram and on social saying they trading and they have 1000% proofed strategy. That's all I see. Which I think is crap. So, yeah, I don't know.

Would you recommend Stock Market College to others?

Muzi Langa: For sure. I will. Anytime any day people should get on to stock market quality if interested in this trading thing. For sure.

Produced with Vocal Video