
MADODA MANANA for Customer Testimonial Videos

October 18, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: MADODA MANANA, professinal nurse

When and how did you become a client of Stock Market College?

MADODA MANANA: I started with free trade in fun. The 14 2014 or 13.

How did you benefit from becoming a student at Stock Market College?

MADODA MANANA: I'm slowly starting to get to grips with my training very slowly, but I'm getting there.

What makes Stock Market College different from other similar products or services?

MADODA MANANA: It's good because number one, it's local. It's not offshore. If I have a problem I can talk to you at any given time. I've tried something overseas. I lost my money, I think.

Would you recommend Stock Market College to others?

MADODA MANANA: Definitely.

Produced with Vocal Video