
Get to Know Steffany Aye, Adoption & Beyond

April 23, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Steffany Aye, Executive Director

Tell us about yourself!

Steffany Aye: Hi, I'm Stephanie. A thank you so much for checking out our video. I am the founder and executive director here at Adoption and beyond. We are a licensed child policing agency in the States of Kansas and Missouri and we serve the entire States of Kansas and Missouri. I started adoption beyond back in 1998. Prior to that, I was a child placement supervisor for another child placing agency. So I've had over 30 years worth of experience in the adoption field, but most importantly, I'm an adoptive mom. So I totally understand where you are at in your adoption journey right now.

Why do you work in adoption?

Steffany Aye: I work in the adoption field because I actually stumbled into it. I really wanted to work in a maternity home that was here in the Kansas City area. And when I went to interview, they didn't have any openings in the maternity home, but they did an adoption and I told them, I don't know anything about adoption and they said, well, come and interview anyway. So I came and I was hired and a few months later I became the child placement supervisor. And so I just kind of stumbled into this role and I absolutely love working in adoptions. And my most favorite thing about working in the adoption field is watching families grow through adoption.

What's one piece of advice you have for families starting the adoption journey?

Steffany Aye: My one piece of advice for families who are just starting the adoption process is to take a breath. I know you've got this my friend. You really do. Adoption is not if. Adoption is when. For families who have the perseverance to push through everything that it takes to do the adoption process, end up with a child in their arms in the end.

What's one thing people don't know about you?

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