
Ivana Bejaran shout out to Teacher Patricia

May 10, 2023

Ivana Bejaran shout out to Teacher Patricia

Video Transcript

Speaker: IVANA BEJERAN, Colorado

IVANA BEJERAN: I had so many amazing teachers while I was going through school. But the one that's coming to my mind right now is Teacher Patricia. She was my 3rd and 4th grade teacher. And the thing that has always stuck to me is that she would sing to us. She would, you know where we were in our feelings. She would take some time and just sing to us and have us sing with her. And I love to sing so I really felt connected with her.

What would you say to that teacher right now?

IVANA BEJERAN: I would say thank you so much for taking the time to do something that was so outside of your job description, but that you knew we all loved and we would feel more comfortable in the classroom. That's definitely something that has kept me coming back and that allowed me to fall in love with learning because I knew it wasn't just about memorizing things. I knew it wasn't just about memorizing things.

Produced with Vocal Video