
Ann Stumph shout out to Marilyn Antonic now 88

May 11, 2023

Ann Stumph shout out to Marilyn Antonic now 88

Video Transcript

Speaker: ANN STUMPH CLEM, Piano teacher

ANN STUMPH CLEM: I'm Anne Stumph Clem. I'm Anne Stumph Clem. And I was Ann Stumph when I was in high school with the teacher that I have kept in contact with all these years. Her name is Marilyn Antonic. She was formerly Sister Peter, a Sister of Providence. Anyway, she taught me chemistry, French and, uh, algebra. I wasn't the best student but she persevered with me and we have still kept in contact over all these years. She's 88. I'm 77. Anyway, I couldn't have asked for a better teacher and I have tried to pass on the same traits that she shared with me to my students as a piano teacher. And I can't say how impressive a good teacher can be in a child's life.

Produced with Vocal Video