
Lynn Dodds for Thought Leadership

March 09, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Lynn Dodds, VP, Creative Services

Please introduce yourself.

Lynn Dodds: Hello, I am Lynn Dodd's and I am recording this video test.

Are there any major trends or priority changes you're seeing from clients in 2023?

Lynn Dodds: So, what I'm seeing now is a lot of clients are interested in sharing quick wins with their leadership. So our work has become a little bit more tactical of late, but that certainly introduces some new conversations around merchandizing with what you have and then factoring that into longer term initiatives and campaigns. So it's a tight time, but it's an exciting time. Certainly a time to be creative.

Where are marketers focusing budget in 2023?

Lynn Dodds: I haven't really had many discussions with clients in terms of where they're focusing their budget, but I can tell you, what I've seen in terms of trends out in the market and that's a lot of social media, a lot of social media exposure and trying different channels and trying to make the most of smaller budgets. And that's certainly a trend that's being encouraged by experts in marketing.

Produced with Vocal Video