
Southwestern Student Coaching Parent Video Testimonials

August 23, 2024

Video Transcript

Please introduce yourself and let us know how long your student has been in coaching!

Hi, my name is Tony Hagelgans and my daughter Ava has been in coaching for so long. I don't even remember how it's been almost as long as Southwestern has had it.

What was your initial motivation for enrolling your child into Student Coaching?

Hey, our initial motivation for enrolling Ava into coaching was because I really felt I was losing my daughter. Um, didn't seem to be the person I'd raised. Um, she was really starting to struggle with a lot of things with school. And personally, it was a really amazing my wife and I prayed on it. And then the very next day when Melissa was driving Ava home from school, Ava was like, man, you and dad are great. But I really feel like I need something like that to help motivate me, push me. And my wife was like, you mean, like a coach? And Ava was like, that's exactly what I mean. So that's how it exactly happened.

How do you feel about your child's coach selection? AND Were they a good fit?

The coach selection process was amazing. Um, it was so good that Ava has had that exact same coach for. It has to be at least three years now.

What is one thing that your child has learned in coaching that you have seen them implement in their life?

The one thing I've seen in Ava from coaching is that she definitely has 1000% less anxiety. Um, she seems very well adjusted uh, with things and situations and all situations and even with going to college, we're so thankful.

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about enrolling their child into coaching?

Do it, don't think about it, just do it. Um And hopefully you're like me, you'll be like, man, I'm gonna invest in this for 20 years for my daughter for as long as her and her co her coach will have her. Um, that's been my experience. So my, my suggestion would be just to do it, best investment you'll ever make. And hey, it was cheaper than travel volleyball by a long shot.

Produced with Vocal Video