
"Transit Saves Me A Lot of Money" - Tom Courts

July 26, 2024

Watch Tom Courts share his story about why he loves public transit!

Video Transcript

Speaker: Tom Courts

What do you LOVE about public transit?

Tom Courts: Hi, my name is Tom. I use the bus to get to and from work every day. Uh, and it's super convenient. I mean, I don't have to drive stress about traffic. I can read or listen to podcasts or whatever it is on the way. And, um, yeah, it's comfortable. Uh, and the biggest reason I do it is because it saves me a ton of money. Right. I can take all that money and save it instead of spending it on a car payment and gas and parking and maintenance and tires and all that stuff. So, yeah, it's just, um, I mean, it adds up to a ton of money and as a percentage of my overall paycheck, it's like, been fantastic and it's super relaxing and, you know, it's been, it's been great. So, thank you. Public transit. Thank you. The bus system. Thank you. Uh, and, uh, yeah, I'll continue to do it. I encourage everybody else to do it too.

Produced with Vocal Video