Speakers: Jamilah Dalton. Carol Padgett. Marcia Attmore
Using just 1-2 sentences, tell us why you are a Soroptimist.
Jamilah Dalton: I'm a Soroptimist because I love the mission of sur optimus, empowering women and girls through access to education and training. I'm also a Soroptimist because I have two young daughters and I feel that supporting the Soroptimist mission is also in a way supporting them with my desire. And my goal to help make this world a better place for women and for girls, especially my two girls.
Carol Padgett: Hi. So why did I become a Soroptimist? You know, I was looking at the research just recently and it just boggled my mind. I noticed that 66% of women still hold student loan debts. 41% of them are for women undergraduate, but compared to 35% male undergraduate loans and yet women still take an additional two years on an average to pay off their student loans. You know why? Because women are increasingly um the breadwinners of their families and yet they still have to take care of their family, their Children, feeding their families. Now men of course help with this. But we're finding more and more increase that women are trying to get, trying to get ahead by going to school, at least trying to get an undergraduate degree. So, Soroptimist gives me this opportunity to help these women. I am increasingly excited how we have been able to give resources, tools to those women who want to make more of themselves, to give them the tools to be, to reach their potential. That's why I'm a Soroptimist. Soroptimist is for women and I am here to help our fellow women.
Marcia Attmore: Hey there, my name is Marsha. Why am I a Soroptimist? Well, that's easy. Where else can I find such a great bunch of smart, empathetic and mission driven women to work with towards a really great goal, making an impact on the lives of women and girls who haven't had it very easy in this life. We work hard, we have fun and we do good work. That makes a difference. Joining, Soroptimist was an easy decision. I hope you join us.