
Educational Analytics Solver Customer Story

September 06, 2024

Video Transcript

Speakers: Eric Cramer, Finance Manager, Education Analytics

What are your favorite Solver features?

Eric Cramer: My two favorite features in Solver would have to be the ability to aggregate across dimensions that come across from our ERP as well as the reporting and the familiarity that the kind of Excel based reporting gives you.

How does Solver help your organization be more efficient?

Eric Cramer: Solver has done a lot for us to improve efficiency both inside the finance department and more broadly across the organization. And so within the department, before we used Solver, we used Adaptive which was a bit bulky and cumbersome. And the reporting was pretty limited to the finance department, but switching to Solver gave us a lot more flexibility. To report both within the department across different fields and data sources and also outside of it. And it saved a lot of time and provided a lot, a lot of impactful results.

How would you describe Solver in 2 words?

Eric Cramer: I describe Solver as both flexible and intuitive.

"Before Solver, a lot of our financial reporting was really home built using some kind of code or Excel reporting."

Eric Cramer, Finance Manager, Education Analytics

Produced with Vocal Video