
Inside In2Risk 2023: So, Your Claim has TPLF – Now What?

July 24, 2023

Hear from Michael Goodin as he gives a sneak peek of what In2Risk 2023 attendees can expect from his session titled "So, Your Claim has TPLF – Now What?"

Video Transcript

Speakers: Michael Goodin, J.D., Senior Consultant - Claims Judicial & Legislative Affairs, Zurich North America

Michael Goodin, J.D.: Hi everybody. My name is Michael Goodin and I'm a senior consultant with Zurich claims, judicial and legislative affairs. And I'm from Memphis, Tennessee.

Michael Goodin, J.D.: My session is called: "So, Your Claim Has TPLF? Now What?" TPLF stands for third party litigation funding. And hopefully everyone is familiar with the concept of third party litigation funding. If not, we're going to talk a little bit about the basics of TPLF in my session, but we're going to spend the bulk of our time talking about something different. We're going to talk about the practical effects of third party litigation funding on the claim and what you can do if your claim has TPLF.

Michael Goodin, J.D.: By the time my session is over, I would expect attendees at the session to be able to understand and know what third party litigation funding is and the different types of third party litigation funding. And then, further, be able to understand what they might do with information about third party litigation funding in a particular claim. And that's gonna be the real takeaway. What do we do with the information?

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