
SocialMedia.org Member Bob Skwarek on his membership experience

August 29, 2022

Bob Skwarek, Associate Director of Corporate Communications at a big pharma company, talks about what he enjoys most about membership in the SocialMedia.org community.

Video Transcript

Speakers: Bob Skwarek, SocialMedia.org Board Chair

What have you enjoyed most about your membership in SocialMedia.org?

Bob Skwarek: The thing I enjoy most about SocialMedia.org is all the great people I've met. I've been part of SocialMedia.org since probably about 2010. At four organizations, one shape, form, or fashion or another, I've been lucky enough to be part of what I would call my friends at SocialMedia.org. The colleagues, the experts in the industry that we meet with regularly from all the different brands from around the world and around the country, but also the people behind the scenes -- those folks at SocialMedia.org that keep things happening. I remember when it was "Social Media Business Council" and there was a little thing called BlogWell. That first meeting back in whenever that was, 2010. I knew that there was something special here, and I feel very fortunate to still be a part of it to this day.

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