Speaker: Victoria Fong, Speech-language pathologist, Round Lake Area Schools
Victoria Fong: Hi my name is Victoria Fong. I'm a speech therapist in elementary setting and this is my fifth year working in schools. I have been using SLP Toolkit for four years now and it has definitely been a lifesaver. Before Toolkit, I would keep data in a binder and it was really hard flipping to the right student with different groups and just printing out and changing out all the papers with such a hassle. But now Toolkit has definitely helped me be more organized and streamlined, where everything is in just one place. Progress notes used to take me so long, but now they are a lot easier and faster and when I write annual reviews, I'm able to get more informed goals using the present levels assessments. And everything that Toolkit comes out,all the updates, are very useful and you can really tell that the website was developed with speech therapists in mind. Another feature I really like is sending those student files between therapists in the same district. We have a lot of students that move from school to school or as students graduate from elementary school to middle school, being able to transfer those files and all of that Present Levels between therapists is really helpful.
Victoria Fong: I would highly recommend SLP Toolkit to any speech therapists in the school setting or not in the school setting or even any other therapists in the district.