
Svetlana T. - SleepTest.com Patient Testimonial

April 05, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Svetlana T.

Why did you get a sleep test done?

Svetlana T.: And uh the question number one is why Why did I got a sleep test done? The answer is because it was ordered by TMJ Clinic in Rochester, Michigan.

How was your overall experience with SleepTest.com?

Svetlana T.: How was my overall experience with SleepTest.com? My, my experience was just very fine. No complaints, everything was done. Results were collected um which allowed uh the team of professionals at TMJ clinic in Rochester to proceed with correct decisions. Thank you.

Would you recommend SleepTest.com to others?

Svetlana T.: Would I recommend SleepTest.com to others? Yes, I would and I will since it is, um, more accurate than other ones which I've done and also considered. So, yes, I would recommend.

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