
Tumennast Khadbaatar for Scholarship Testimonials

August 21, 2023

Hear Tumennast Khadbaatar's story of how receiving this scholarship to pursue his education in the Aviation Maintenance Technology program at Columbus State Community College in Ohio will impact him.

Video Transcript

Speakers: Tumennast Khadbaatar

Please introduce yourself and share how the NetJets Aviation Maintenance SkillPointe Scholarship will help you pursue your goals.

Tumennast Khadbaatar: Hello, my name is Tumennast Khadbaatar and I'm currently enrolled at Columbus State Community College's AMT program. NetJets Aviation Maintenance SkillPointe Scholarship will help me tremendously because for a college student, financial burden is the biggest hold back. And I'm no exception to that. In order to get that amount of money, I would have to work at least 400 hours. Now, I can use all those hours for my goal to become an excellent aviation mechanic.

Produced with Vocal Video