
Jake Tlapek for Search Atlas Video Testimonials

January 25, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Jake Tlapek, Founder @Wizard Marketing

Jake Tlapek: Hey, I'm Jake, the wizard of marketing and I run Wizard Marketing, an SEO growth marketing agency.

What challenges were you facing before subscribing to SearchAtlas?

Jake Tlapek: We've been doing SEO for a long time and we had a huge suite of tools that we were using, but mostly we were using SemRush and the pricing was killing us. Plus we had to spend hours just trying to parse through the data and figure out what the heck was going on.

What other tools/solutions were you using before Search Atlas?

Jake Tlapek: Semrush was a great tool for us for many years. It helped us get our agency off the ground and track everything we were doing. The site audit tool was fantastic. But the the price and the amount of different little areas of tools we had to navigate through, plus the fact that it wasn't integrated with search console was extremely frustrating and honestly slowing down our workflow.

What made you choose Search Atlas over other alternatives?

Jake Tlapek: I don't even remember how I stumbled across Search Atlas, but I was in the mood to get rid of Semrush. It made me angry one too many times. And so I got into a demo with the team at Search Atlas and I immediately saw tools that were gonna change the game for us. The OTTO A I suggestion tool allowing pretty much anyone to be an SEO expert and make functional and simple changes to their site was fantastic. The GSC connector tool where it ties directly into search console to show you the full landscape of all of the keywords that you're ranking for was phenomenal. And then the Content Audit and Writing tools within Search Atlas at that time, they were great today. They're even better.

How has Search Atlas helped you improve your agency services or website's SEO?

Jake Tlapek: Search Atlas has made our process so smooth. We now know exactly what to look at, how to look at it and what to do. Utilizing the suggestions and tools from Search Atlas. It's honestly taken a lot of the guesswork out of SEO and allowed us to really laser in and pinpoint the things that we want to work on and develop on a monthly basis. Plus, it gives my team a great dashboard to use from both a writing perspective and a research perspective and produces some fantastic reports that we're able to share with our clients to keep them happy and keep them informed of what we're doing on their account.

What is your favorite tool within Search Atlas and why?

Jake Tlapek: When it comes to Search Atlas is amazing tool set. To me, the number one thing has to be the Google Search Console connection. This way, instead of picking a list of keywords that I think are going to be value and focus on growing them, I can actually see the entire suite of keywords that I'm ranking for directly from Google itself. So I know on a daily basis what's working and what's not working and what I can focus on and you know, where to expand to.

If you were to recommend Search Atlas to your network, what would you say?

Jake Tlapek: I cannot recommend Search Atlas enough. Whether you're a small business owner or you run an agency like me, this tool is going to go the distance for you and help you make actionable and realizable changes to your SEO that are going to result in growing in the ranks, getting the top, getting the traffic that you deserve, all without really needing to learn a ton about SEO. You just follow the steps and look at the data translated for you by Search Atlas.

Produced with Vocal Video