
Robert C Tasker for Journals Need to Know Videos

December 12, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Robert C. Tasker, MA, MBBS, MD, FRCP, RCPCH

Robert C. Tasker, MA, MBBS, MD, FRCP, RCPCH: Welcome. My name is Robert Tasker and I'm your editor of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. Lots of content for December 2024, do start with the foreword which presents our updated impact factor of 4.1. The metrics that have helped with that - highlighted material, featured articles as well as the new international section which started in May 2024. Now to my editor's choices. Two papers on determining death using neurological criteria. The first paper is about ancillary testing, a single center study retrospective from the USA, 10 infants aged under a year and using nuclear medicine cerebral perfusion studies. The other study in this topic comes from the UK which is a review of 2015 to 2023, 393 patients, 15 aged under two months. A population-based study. The third editor's choice is a pharmacokinetic study of meropenem in pediatric severe sepsis. 29 patients looking at targeted attainments. In the PCCM Connections section, there's an item focusing on family centered care and this item came out of the Mexico WFPICCS meeting that was in the summer. Lastly, in the international content we have a focus on peripheral perfusion index. This is a study using a cohort from Uganda with malaria and looking at the added value of perfusion index. This adds to material that we had from India earlier on in the year. So, all together a good read. Thank you very much for reading and connecting with PCCM and we'll have new material for you next year.

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