Speaker: Aarti Sarwal, MD, FAAN, FNCS, FCCM
Aarti Sarwal, MD, FAAN, FNCS, FCCM: Hello, I'm Aarti Sarwal, the Social Media Editor of Critical Care Medicine. We want to welcome 2024 with the January issue of CCM, rich in collaborative science on various aspects of critical care. Here are my top highlights from this issue. Lucy Modra and the group queried the Australia and New Zealand ICU Adult Patient Database examining almost 700,000 admissions from about 200 ICUs and evaluated if women receive less vital organ support and if the observed trends impacted mortality. Naomi George and her group queried 5000 patients from the ELSO registry to assess hospital survival for older patients treated with ECMO for cardiac arrest and Stephanie Brown and colleagues evaluated outcomes for young patients on extracorporeal life support for respiratory infections. Does patients age or sex make a difference in what critical care we provide or the outcomes patients have? Check these articles out. Talking about registries, Linking of Global Intensive Care (LOGIC) and Japanese Intensive Care PAtient Database (JIPAD) formed a working group to provide us with a concise review on clinical quality registries, the challenges some proposed solutions and they also describe evidence generated to facilitate research and quality improvement. There is certainly power in numbers. This review describes how these collaborative data efforts can help us answer questions on a patient level. For more articles, please follow us on X and Facebook. Happy Holidays and a very Happy New Year. See you next year.