
Welcome to the Supply Chain Planning & Logistics Board

July 22, 2024

Membership Director Cheryl Goldsby welcomes NASCES '24 delegates to our brand new community for supply chain leaders at large enterprises -- the Supply Chain Planning & Logistics Board.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Cheryl Goldsby, Membership Director

Cheryl Goldsby: Hello, and welcome to the Supply Chain Planning & Logistics Board. I'm Cheryl Goldsby, the Membership Director for this brand new community. And if you're seeing this, it's because you've been hand-picked as a NASCES '24 delegate to join us both at the Founders Meeting on site in Phoenix, and also to help us launch this important community for supply chain leaders just like you. I promise you, it is quick and easy to sign up. You're just going to want to go ahead and use the form right on this page, that will get you enrolled. And when you do that, you'll have access to our leadership discussion series at NASCES. There, we'll be having professionally facilitated, private, vendor-free conversations on topics like AI and supply chain -- where we're going to separate the hype from reality. Or how do you attract, train, and keep your top supply chain talent today, and many more topics like these. You're also going to receive a complimentary membership in our newly formed Supply Chain Planning & Logistics Board. It is the only group that is built exclusively for enterprise leaders in this space. There's no vendors, no selling, no outsiders. You and your team will just get the fast, unbiased insights that you need, on-demand, when you need them, always directly from your peers. That's because our community is built to help you move faster and to get things right the first time. If you're leading supply chain planning and logistics at a large enterprise today, then this is the community for you. I look forward to seeing you in Phoenix and being able to welcome you to our community of supply chain leaders.

Produced with Vocal Video