
Chuck Marcouiller for Sales Enablement Summit

April 25, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Chuck Marcouiller

Chuck Marcouiller: Hi, my name is Chuck Marcouiller I am the founder of SaaSEnable a fractional revenue enablement consultancy in the past. I've also been the vice president of revenue enablement for Freightwaves as well as the senior director of enablement for Jobvite.

What will you be discussing at Sales Enablement Summit?

Chuck Marcouiller: At the Seattle summit. I'll be talking about a topic that I have some passion around and that's the critical role that enablement plays in guiding companies and organizations from the start up phase to the scale up phase.

What nugget of wisdom are you hoping to leave attendees with after your talk?

Chuck Marcouiller: What not of wisdom am I hoping to leave attendees with after my talk? I guess I would say that I hope people walk away from my talk with an appreciation of how important revenue enablement is in helping shape the strategy, the process, the program and the metrics for an organization as they look to go from the start up stage to the scale up stage.

What are you most looking forward to about the event?

Chuck Marcouiller: What am I looking forward to most about the event in Seattle is, I think first and foremost is being around my peers, people come to the summit in order to learn from each other to network and everybody's in a learner's mindset, a growth mindset. So it's a great environment. that I always walk away with, with an idea, a process and a new contact that I can immediately use in order to better the programs and the companies that I'm working with.

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