Speakers: Kaleena Erwin, LMSW, Training and Curriculum Specialist, Kansas Department for Children and Families
How has SafeGenerations helped your organization?
Kaleena Erwin, LMSW: In every interaction we have with SafeGenerations staff - whether that's a quick message or even during all-day implementation meetings - they really model how much relationships mean to them. They have laid a foundation for professional relationships that can last a lifetime and you can really feel the connection when talking to staff from SafeGenerations. It has inspired me personally to strengthen my relationships with others within our agency, and within the community. And just by being in tune with SafeGenerations and what they have modeled there has really been a culture change within our agency in which we have learned to be curious, compassionate, and humble with our interactions with colleagues, and with our friends, and even our own personal relationships.
What do you like the most about SafeGen technology services?
Kaleena Erwin, LMSW: SafeGenerations has shown us how to use technology already available to us to its fullest extent. So, instead of asking us to buy a new system or build something new from the ground up, they looked at what we had available, listen to what we needed, shared their resources, and have made so many aspects of our job easier.
Kaleena Erwin, LMSW: And although we started working with SafeGenerations before COVID-19 was in our daily vocabulary, the technology services that they offer are now more important than ever. SafeGenerations has been able to connect staff all the way from Kansas city to Garden City and all the way from administration to frontline staff. So, in a time when we are so physically distant from each other, I feel more connected with my colleagues and SafeGeneration staff now more than ever. And thanks to the technology services that SafeGenerations, has been able to provide and to teach us how to use and using the software to the fullest, we have made leaps and bounds and the accessibility of practice resources across the state.
Would you recommend SafeGenerations to other leaders?
Kaleena Erwin, LMSW: I would absolutely recommend SaveGenerations to any other agency without hesitation. Honestly, any day I spend with staff from SafeGenerations is the highlight of my week. Sometimes the work that we can do within the agency can really become stagnant or stale and sometimes we need others from the outside who have experience in our field to come in and take a critical look at what we're doing and show us a different way. You know? And the thought of working with consultants can kind of seem scary. You know, I think of the "Bobs" from office space who were there consultants and the "Bobs" were there to decide 'is this good for the company on behalf of the company?' instead of alongside the company . Safe Generations has worked alongside our agency bringing their wisdom and experience and the time that they've spent with other agencies while being curious about our current practices. And because of this we have made improvements in how we work alongside families, and we look forward to continued growth within the coming years.