
Elevating Youth Voice

August 15, 2024

Video Transcript

Speakers: Elizabeth Wynter

Elizabeth Wynter: So you're ready to engage young people in decisions that impact their lives. You're a little nervous though, because sometimes they don't make such good decisions. It's really our job to help them learn how to make decisions. It's a skill set, right? And sometimes we learn by falling down. But I wanted to sort of talk to you about five steps in decision making that you can help them make better decisions. And the first is identify the goal, right? What problem are we trying to solve? Why is it important? And helping them understand the purpose behind the decision will help them stay focused and motivated and make it easier to make their choice. The second step is about gathering information and exploring options, right? Encourage the young person to think about all the options that are available to them. Help them brainstorm potential solutions and support them and in seeking advice from trusted people in their lives. The goal is to help them gather as much information as possible and explore as many possible solutions as thoroughly as we can. Step three, really is considering the consequences. So really guide the youth in evaluating potential outcomes of each option, right? That's listed. And so how might each choice that they make impact them and others and how does it impact them today and how it will impact them in the future? Right? Important things to help them consider. Help them weigh the pros and cons of each option and for them to feel comfortable with any issues that may arise from making a certain decision. Number four is really be there to help them make that decision. Assist them in their final decision and encourage them to trust their instincts and to reflect on whether the decision feels right for them currently and in the future. Reassure them that it's ok to feel uncertain and emphasize the importance of making a choice that aligns with their values and goals. And lastly, we're going to help them evaluate the decision. And so once the decision has been made and acted upon, we really want to guide them in discussing its effectiveness and help them reflect on the process of making decisions so they can gain a skill set and do this on their own in the future. So by following these five steps, right, identifying the goal, gathering information and exploring options, considering the consequences, making the decision and then evaluating their choice. These steps can really support young people in making thoughtful and informed decisions. And it also empowers them to take charge of their lives today and in the future.

Produced with Vocal Video