
Jordan George Client Testimonial Video

June 26, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Jordan George, Entrepreneur / Coach

How did Ryan's mentorship help you accelerate in the early part of your journey as a coach?

Jordan George: I met Ryan Lang at the very beginning of my coaching journey. I was working a 9 to 6 corporate gig and was interested in coaching. And Ryan guided me, and he was straight up. I mean, starting a brand new career, starting in the coaching space. There's a lot that goes into that. And along with helping me understand what it looks like to be my own coach or to be a coach for others, he showed me by example, what it means to be a great coach. Not to prescribe, but to ask very good questions and to walk me to my own revelations and that is a skill and it's an art and there are, there are very few people on the planet that are as skilled as him in it. And so if you're considering, bringing Ryan into your life - one of the best decisions I ever did.

What specific improvements did you notice after working with Ryan?

Jordan George: Being with Ryan, I've grown specifically in my ability to, to coach others and the ability to listen - the ability to refine the way in which I interact with people. Even as simple as removing little, vocal ticks and things that I relied on, he was able to see those and acknowledge them and work them out of my default so that I can become a better coach so that I could be a better listener. And so that I could come across in a more heartfelt way. And so more than anything, Ryan has given me an increased ability to listen to others and to coach them through to ask great questions.

If there’s one word you could use to describe your experience with Ryan, what would it be and why?

Jordan George: If I only had to pick one word to describe my experience with Ryan, it would be presence. The man is there with you. And I think that that is the most valuable commodity you could ever receive is someone who actually is present and listens to you and you're gonna get that with Ryan, you're gonna get somebody who shows up and they're there and they're not constantly checking their phone trying to look, you know, over your shoulder to the next thing he's there with you and he's present to you and that's invaluable.

If you were speaking to someone interested in hiring Ryan for coaching, what would you tell them?

Jordan George: Do it, do it, don't not do it... Hire Ryan Lang! Oh my gosh. Yeah, it's like, literally you will never be the same. He is an incredible person to learn from, to just be around and like I said, in an earlier video, the man is present with you. I mean, how many coaches are there now on the planet? It feels like everybody and their mother is a life coach or some variation of that now. But Ryan is the real deal and he's got the skills and the knowledge and he has the care in the heart that will get you to whatever outcome that you choose. Do it!

What's the main reason you would recommend Ryan as a coach?

Jordan George: The main reason I would recommend Ryan as a coach would be he gets you the result. I mean, like, why else, why else do you hire somebody? He's gonna get you to where you want to go? And there is so much to setting an intention and pursuing that intention. And I'll be honest, not all the time, do you even reach that intention that you initially set out. But, what is created in the process is better than your intention that you even set? And that's why I would recommend being with Ryan is because you may go in and say I want this and you may get that or you may get something 10 times better than the first intention that you set. So to me, it's a no brainer. He's incredible and you'll never regret working with him.

Produced with Vocal Video