
Ian Client Testimonial Video

July 10, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: ian

In what ways did Ryan's coaching or guidance help you?

Ian Derrick: My name is Ian and I live in New Zealand. And I wanted to tell you a little bit about Ryan and my experience working with him. Ryan helped me better manage my health over recent years. and is enabling me to, to live, to really live my goal of living a long, healthy, vibrant life in particular. He enabled me to address my unhealthy professional lifestyle, particularly as I ended my professional career as a financial advisor.

If there’s one word you could use to describe your experience with Ryan, what would it be and why?

Ian Derrick: If there was one word that I would use to describe my experience, it would be insightful, insightful from both Ryan is incredibly insightful. He's got such a wide range of, of knowledge and expertise, but it was also insightful for me because I really wasn't sure what to do. And one of the things is... Ryan didn't tell me to do ABC, you know, we worked on things together and it was insightful to, to understand the why of, of what we're doing.

What's the main reason you would recommend Ryan as a coach?

Ian Derrick: So look, I would recommend Ryan to you not only for his insight and, but also for his methods and, and because he is so easy to talk to, he works with you who you are and he's a man of great character.

Produced with Vocal Video