
MBSS - Mariam from Italy

April 10, 2023

Mariam was an international student from Italy attending Mount Baker Secondary School in Cranbrook, BC.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Mariam from Italy, Mount Baker Secondary School, Grade 12

Why did you choose Rocky Mountain International Student Program for your study abroad experience?

Mariam from Italy: um I chose the Rocky Mountain International student program for my study abroad experience because I love staying in contact with the nature. And I have always wished that one day I could have the possibility to live in a place with a lot of snow and nature. And so I thought that like the Rocky Mountain International program was like the perfect place to do my exchange year.

What do you like best about the community you live in?

Mariam from Italy: uh the thing I liked the most about the community I live in that is Cranbrook is that every person is very kind and they always try to help me if I need something and I love living here and I feel this city as my home now and everyone knows each other and feel safe and comfortable. I'm not scared to walk alone in the night or just to walk alone in the street. And that's the thing I like the most, that I always feel safe and comfortable.

What do you like best about your school?

Mariam from Italy: The school here in Canada is easier than the school in Italy. But I love the school here in Canada. Um I think that the thing I like the most about my school here, Mount Baker in Cranbrook is that the teachers and the professors care a lot about you and they are always trying to help you. And I also love that the school offers you many subjects you can choose and so you have the possibility to follow your passions, choosing the classes that you like the most.

What do you like best about your homestay?

Mariam from Italy: My host family is awesome. They always try to make me happy. And the best thing is that they care a lot of for me. Um I I have always had the feeling to be home here and I think that's the best thing I can ask for and my host mom is like a friend for me. She asked me a lot and she's always tried to take me in different places to give me the possibility to visit Canada and more places. Um Yeah.

What has been the best part of your experience with Rocky Mountain International Student Program?

Mariam from Italy: the best part of my experience with Rocky Mountain International student program are for sure. The people I met here, I have had the possibility to meet people from all over the world, not just from Canada, but like from Mexico Germany Norway Spain all over the world. And thanks to the people I met here, my experience was very like it was fantastic and I learned and I'm still learning a lot from them and from their cultures that are very different from mine and people I met here in Canada will always have a special place in my heart. And also another part of my experience that it was like the best part was meeting my host sister. My host sister was from Mexico and in Italy I have three brothers, so I've never had a sister and I was scared at the beginning to have like a host sister because I've never had one. So I didn't know how, how was it, but it was really the best experience of my life and one of the best parts of this experience in Canada because we were so close. Um we started a very close friendship and the yeah, she was definitely one of the best parts of my experience

Produced with Vocal Video