
FSS - Bente from Germany Testimonial in English

April 08, 2023

FSS - Bente from Germany Testimonial in English

Video Transcript

Speaker: Bente from Germany, Fernie Secondary School, Grade 11

Why did you choose Rocky Mountain International Student Program for your study abroad experience?

Bente from Germany: So I chose the Rocky Mountains International Student Program because they were really interested in what I am doing at home. If I'm comfortable and they were looking for what I'm doing here, what I could potentially do. And they were really helpful and what

What do you like best about the community you live in?

Bente from Germany: So I live in a host family in Fernie and one of the best parts here in the community is just they're all so nice and helpful. And at the beginning I was kind of overwhelmed because I couldn't tell if there or if they really like me or just yeah, try to be nice to me. Yeah. And the other things, here's always stuff going on. You can go to the cinema. We have concerts, concerts, normal concerts, concerts at the ski hill, hot dog days at the ski hill. And yeah, you can join clubs, you can, you can use things in the library. There's always stuff to do. And that's what I like about the community.

What do you like best about your school?

Bente from Germany: What I like best about school, I'm in Fernie Secondary School, there's a bunch of things I like. First of all are the fun subjects, I have textiles and music, guitar lessons And I'm from Germany and usually I have up to 16 subjects and now I have four. It's a kind of focusing and what I learned is just you learn a lot when you have every day just those four subjects. But I don't know I think that's the best part about school because it's really fun and yeah, most teachers are really relaxed and nice and help you and yeah, try to figure out when you don't know how to explain things. They're really nice. Yeah.

What do you like best about your homestay?

Bente from Germany: yeah, the best part about my home stay. That's a hard question because there are a couple of things things I like and I think the best part is I feel very comfortable in my host family and yeah, it's always fun here. So what I also like is the ski resort, it was never skiing or snowboarding before, but I tried it and I did snowboarding and after three days of lesson, that was so fun. And now, I'm like, oh no season is over. And yeah, it's, yeah, this is the last week of the season and yeah, I don't know, it's, it's just the home stay is just you learn english and that's really cool. It's just a new experience. I also like that we do a lot of cultural, we had dinner or meals, so it's not even just about Canada, it's about, yeah, experience languages and meeting new cultures is just yeah, awesome. It's cool.

What has been the best part of your experience with Rocky Mountain International Student Program?

Bente from Germany: So my best experience with the Rocky Mountains International student program was Blue Lake Camp. That's a trip. Yeah, to Blue Lake and yeah, it gives you the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends and they're all exchange students. So from all over the world.

Bente from Germany: It just gives you, you also the opportunity to see a lot of Canada and yeah, new regions here and not only Fernie, yeah, that was one of the best parts.

Produced with Vocal Video