
FSJSS - Fritz from Germany Testimonial

April 10, 2023

FSJSS - Fritz from Germany Testimonial

Video Transcript

Speakers: Fritz from Germany, Fort St. James Secondary School, Grade 10

Why did you choose Rocky Mountain International Student Program for your study abroad experience?

Fritz from Germany: I chose the Rocky Mountains Program because of the nature. You have lakes and mountains everywhere, you can land in a flat um place. But there's always something like lakes or little hills where you can mount, you can hike to, but there's always something.

What do you like best about the community you live in?

Fritz from Germany: What do I like best about Fort St. James, the big lake, the fraser lake. It's a huge lake where you can skate on in the winter and where you can go swimming in the summer and the ski hill, It's .. in the winter it's perfect. It's like 20...15 to 20, minutes away from town and you can ski the whole day.

What do you like best about your school?

Fritz from Germany: What do I like best about my school? For sure. The food you have every day, every morning, free breakfast. You have for any break ... bagels, yoghurt, fruits like oranges, bananas and apples. And then you can get for lunch. You have to pay for it but always something and it's not over $6.

What do you like best about your homestay?

Fritz from Germany: I like my host siblings the best about my home stay, and they always want to do something with me. They always want to show me something. So you have always something to do. If you want to have private time, you always can have private time. But if you want to do something In 90% of times, they want to do something with you.

Produced with Vocal Video