
Valerie reiffert for #RJVOTER Video Testimonials

March 15, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Valerie reiffert

Why are you a Reproductive Justice Voter?

Valerie reiffert : I am a reproductive justice voter because I live in the state of Texas where the right for woman to make the best choice for her has been taken away. And unfortunately, that has affected me personally with people that I love. So that's why I vote for reproductive justice.

How does Reproductive Justice show up in your life?

Valerie reiffert : Reproductive justice shows up in my life because I am a person with a uterus. And so because I am able to conceive, reproductive justice is super important. But even if you don't have a uterus, it's really important because somebody you love sure does and they deserve their right to choose.

Produced with Vocal Video