
Semaglutide for Food Noise Video Testimonials

July 17, 2024

Learn how semaglutide has reduced our patient's constant internal thoughts about food, also known as "food noise".

Video Transcript

Speakers: Semaglutide Experience

Semaglutide Experience: I would recommend this to any of my friends. In fact, I've recommended it to several of my friends. They've said "Oh my gosh, you look so good!" And I'm fully transparent about my semaglutide journey and I would recommend it to friends because it, for me, it was the difference. It was what moved the needle, it was what made the difference for me. Yes, I've lost weight in the past. I have never lost this much weight. Um, ever really. So it has been lovely to lose the amount of weight that I've been able to lose and to feel good and to do it in a way that where I'm not punishing myself because of the choices that I'm making, I'm making better choices. And semaglutide has really changed, changed my life and my relationship with food.

Semaglutide Experience: So far semaglutide has improved my life by of course, boosting my confidence. Obviously, I've lost weight, but it also has improved my energy, although I'm a little tired on shot day. Other than that I have more energy than I used to have. I have a toddler and it was really important for me to be able to keep up with her. So being able to have that extra energy because I have dropped, the weight has been a life changing improvement. For me. I'm able to go into stores and get sizes that I haven't been able to get. I'm able to wear clothes. I love fashion. I love clothes. I'm able to wear clothes that I would not have even previously considered. So for me, it has been a huge confidence booster to lose the weight and it has made me feel a lot better about myself.

Produced with Vocal Video